Thursday, April 15, 2010

What to Say....?

Now that's a problem I don't run into often. :) But alas, it is only Day 2 of my "365-Day Blog Challenge" and I already don't know what to blog about. Go me! :) Started out not feeling too well today, but I think a day of rest and Chuck-marathon-ing with my dear husband made me feel more energized for tomorrow. As long as working out doesn't make me throw-up again, I'll be in business! :)

I honestly have SO many thoughts rolling around in my head right now. There are so many things I COULD talk about, could mention, could throw out there, could bring up....but there are also just as many things that I could just be still about. I am most commonly known as a very loud, vocal, opinionated, and talkative kinda gal. Tonight though, for some reason that I'm sure will become more clear to me the more I reflect and pray on it, I feel the need to be silent.

I feel called to NOT be opinionated and loud and talkative tonight.
I feel the urge to say that sometimes it is better to not respond with the first thought that pops into your head. Sometimes, it IS better to think before you speak. Sometimes your battles DO need choosing.

Because as much as I tend to NOT do this-tonight I am inclined to believe that not EVERYTHING is worth fighting about.

I may have changed my mind about this tomorrow...but for tonight, my lips, my voice, and my overloaded brain are going to take a rest. My body needed rest today and these things needed a rest tonight.

I will see you all on the flip side!


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