Monday, April 12, 2010


I'm dedicating this post to Tisha and her FANTASTIC Deutschland-blog that I simply have not been able to get enough of today. I am going back and reading all of her posts and they are inspiring the living daylights out of me.

So in honor of Tisha and her fabulous family (which I am now privileged to spend time with twice a month) I am making a short post...on a day which I already made a post on...simply about dinner. My blogs are usually these LOOOOOONG factual descriptions and updates of Chad and I's life, usually only centered around big events, and usually probably slightly boring. ;) [Yes, that slightly awkward sentence was purposeful.]

Here it goes:

No oatmeal cookies today. I opened the kit I had to make them and the brown sugar was hard. I had already dumped it out when my mom told me that I could have microwaved it. Oh well! I did, however, make chicken sandwiches and DELICIOUS homemade french fries that we ate with organic ketchup (which made [Chad] feel better about eating a lot of it).

Speaking of my darling, HFC-conscious husband...

...he crashed after a long day of work and many hours in the sun golfing. Boy-oh-boy, I love that fella!


  1. I completely agree with you, Alyssa! Tisha's blog is fantastic. I did the same thing as you, starting from the bottom and worked my way up. :)

  2. You all are super sweet. Gosh. Thank you.
