Thursday, October 1, 2009

Welcome to October!

Another month has blown by and we have survived to October! I'm not sure how, considering the amount of "stuff" going on in our lives right now. Alyssa and I agree that we don't have nearly enough time together and that it's starting to get on our nerves and cause frustration. We just keep plugging along in hopes that someday (SOON!!) we can remove some of these obstacles and time commitments in order to appease our need to spend almost every waking moment together. If anyone knows how to create an extra day or two during the week, PLEASE let us know!!!

In other news, we have started participation in a book, 10 Great Dates Before You Say "I Do". We went on our first date this past Saturday to The Melting Pot (fondue) in Colo. Springs and brought along the homework assignment for date #1. We had a fantastic afternoon / evening discussing where our priorities are at and what we're working towards. The food was incredible . . .but the company was the best part. We haven't set up date #2 yet, but I have no doubt they will just get better and better (and the homework harder and harder!!).

We have also talked with our Lead Pastor at Meridian Point about pre-marital counselling to ensure we have the right conversations and discuss everything we can in the months leading up to the wedding. (We still do not have a date set, but are working diligently to check some things off the list that are impeding us.)

Thanks for the wonderful comments so far.


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